The name of the organization is the Society of North Carolina Archivists.
The purpose of the Society of North Carolina Archivists is to promote cooperation and exchange of information among individuals and institutions interested in the preservation and use of the archival and manuscript resources of North Carolina; to share information on archival methodology and the availability of research materials; to provide a forum for discussion of matters of common concern as they pertain to the archival profession in North Carolina; and to cooperate with organizations and professionals in related disciplines.
The purpose for which the Society is organized is exclusively educational within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of these articles, this organization shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.
A) Membership is open to any person interested in the purposes of the Society upon payment of annual dues.
B) Dues shall be recommended by the Executive Board of the Society and shall be established by a majority vote of the membership.
A) The officers of the Society shall be president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. The president and vice president shall be elected for a term of one year. The secretary and treasurer shall be elected in alternate years for two year terms.
A vacancy in any of the executive board positions may be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Board. The person designated shall hold the position for the remainder of the unexpired term. Previous service requirements for the president, vice president, and treasurer are stipulated in the bylaws.
B) The Executive Board shall consist of the officers, a publications chairperson, a membership chairperson, immediate past president, an electronic resources chairperson, a development chairperson, an Archives Month chairperson, an education committee chairperson, and two members at large.
C) The government of the Society, the management of its affairs and the regulation of its procedures, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, shall be vested in the Executive Board.
D) The Executive Board shall be responsible for Society funds, establishing appropriate procedures for accounting and auditing.
A) The Society shall meet annually in order to transact any business to come before it and to provide a program of general interest to the members. Notice of this meeting will be provided to the membership at least forty-five (45) days in advance.
B) Special meetings of the Society may be called by the president, upon approval of the Executive Board, or at the written request of one-third (1/3) of the membership. Notice of such meetings will be provided to the membership at least forty-five (45) days in advance.
C) Members present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
The Society is authorized and directed to prepare, adopt, or amend such Bylaws as may be desirable to carry out the administrative practices of the Society. An up-to-date copy of these Bylaws shall be available to any member upon request to the secretary. Any part of the Bylaws shall be subject to review by the membership at any meeting of the Society and may be changed by a majority vote of the members present.
Upon dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal, state, or local government for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a court of competent jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes.
Amendments to the Constitution must be proposed in writing by a least five (5) members of the Society and filed with the secretary. Copies of the proposed amendments shall be put before the membership within twenty-one (21) days of the filing of the amendment. Votes must be cast within thirty (30) days. Three fifths (3/5) of the votes cast shall constitute a majority for the passage of an amendment.
(Working document, March 2017)
I. Duties of Officers & Executive Board Members
A) The president shall direct and coordinate the affairs of the society, shall preside at all meetings of the Society and the Executive Board, and shall perform such duties as may be directed by the Executive Board. Nominees for president shall have previously served on the board.
B) The vice president shall perform the duties of the president in case of the president’s absence. The vice president shall serve as chair of the program committee. The vice president will recommend an assistant program committee chair who may attend Board meetings as a non-voting member with the vice president or as a voting member in the vice president’s absence. Nominees for vice president must have previously served on the board or on a Society committee.
C) The secretary shall keep active records of the Society including the minutes of the Society’s business and Executive Board meetings and shall conduct the correspondence necessary to transacting the Society’s business including the sending of notices to members concerning meetings. The secretary shall serve as the archivist for the Society. The secretary may recommend a member to arrange the Society’s records of enduring value.
D) The treasurer shall have custody of all funds belonging to the Society and shall disburse them in accordance with the annual budget or upon the expressed authority of the Executive Board. The treasurer shall keep accurate records of all financial transactions. The treasurer will recommend an assistant treasurer who may attend Board meetings as a non-voting member with the treasurer or as a voting member in the treasurer’s absence. All monies and payments for membership, events, and other Society activities will be made online or sent to the treasurer directly at their preferred mailing address. Nominees for treasurer must have been a member of the Society for at least two years.
E) The publications chairperson shall oversee the Society’s publications and social media presence.
F) The membership chairperson shall oversee the maintenance of membership lists and directory, send out dues notices, and contact those members who do not renew. Furthermore, the membership committee will actively solicit new members including staffing an information table at the Society’s meetings. The membership chair will also appoint and manage social coordinators for regions on a yearly basis.
G) The electronic resources chairperson shall oversee the maintenance of the Society’s web page, listserv, and other electronic resources that may be developed.
H) The development chairperson will encourage and facilitate both sponsorships of SNCA conference events and philanthropic donations, explore and recommend methods of increasing the endowment and investing the Society’s funds, and explore and recommend new ways to use the endowment funds.
I) The Archives Month Chairperson will coordinate the planning and promotion of Archives Month, including collaboration with the Development Committee regarding funding and marketing and communication with SNCA membership to encourage activities and awareness.
[Revised member at large positions will go into effect in May of 2018]
J) The first member at large will act as SNCA’s representative to the Society of American Archivists (SAA) Regional Archival Association Consortium (RAAC). This role’s responsibilities includes serving as the RAAC representative for two years; participating in a RAAC subcommittee; and representing SNCA at the RAAC meeting held during SAA’s annual meeting. If SNCA’s RAAC representative is unable to attend the SAA annual meeting, the Board will approve a substitute. (The second member at large will have right of first refusal to the role of substitute which may be appointed from the board or a member of a SNCA committee.) A travel stipend in an amount to be determined annually by the Executive Board will be provided for travel required for the RAAC representative to SAA’s annual meeting. This position can be filled by anyone in the profession, regardless of years of experience.
The second member at large position will be filled by a SNCA graduate student member or an emerging professional in their first 5 years of the profession, and will serve as a liaison to library schools in North Carolina.
K) The Education Committee Chair shall plan and promote archival education opportunities. The Education Committee selects the Gene Williams Award and C. David Jackson Scholarship winners.
L) The immediate past president shall serve on the Board as chair of the nominating committee to provide continuity. In the event that the past president cannot perform this duty, the Executive Board will appoint a nominating committee chairperson. The appointee shall have served on the Executive Board within the past three years.
II. Budget and Fiscal Year
A) The Executive Board shall approve an annual budget within one month of the beginning of a new fiscal year.
B) The fiscal year for the Society and term of office for its board members shall be May 1st to April 30th.
III. Election of Officers and Terms of Office
The Nominating Committee will annually nominate at least one candidate for all vacant Executive Board positions. President and vice president shall be elected annually. The candidates for secretary and treasurer shall be elected in alternate years for two-year terms. The membership chair, the electronic resources chair, the Archives Month chair, the publications chair, the education chair, the development chair, and members-at-large shall be elected for two year terms. Members of the Nominating Committee may not run for office.
All candidates will be members of the Society prior to being nominated. The recommendations of the Nominating Committee shall be formally reported to the membership at least thirty (30) days before voting. Nominations in addition to the slate proposed by the Nominating Committee may also be submitted to the secretary. Candidates unopposed for office shall be elected by acclamation. Voting will be by secret ballot and election by simple majority of votes cast. In the event of a ballot, a teller shall be appointed by the president.
IV. Committees and Other Appointments
A) Standing committees shall be created or abolished as required by vote of the Executive Board. The president shall appoint the members of standing committees with the appointments to be confirmed by the majority of the Executive Board.
B) A Nominating Committee of not less than three members of the Society shall be nominated by the nominating committee chair and approved by the board. Other than the chair, no member of the Nominating Committee shall be appointed from among the present members of the Executive Board.
V. Parliamentary Procedure
Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised shall govern the proceedings of the Society, except as otherwise provided for in the Constitution or Bylaws of the Society. The president shall appoint a parliamentarian for each meeting.
VI. Access to Organizational Records
The Executive Board shall designate an institution to preserve the Society’s records of enduring value. All records of the Society shall be open for public inspection.