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Thornton W. Mitchell Service Award

The award honors the late Thornton W. Mitchell, who served as North Carolina State Archivist from 1973 until his retirement in 1981, and was an active member of the archival profession for forty years. The first Thornton W. Mitchell Service Award was established in 2003 and first presented at the SNCA spring meeting in March 2004.


The Thornton W. Mitchell Service Award seeks to recognize an individual who has demonstrated outstanding service to the archival profession in the state of North Carolina by:

  • Promoting public awareness, appreciation, or support of cultural heritage institutions, or
  • Preserving historical and cultural resources, or
  • Providing leadership in archival organizations or associations, or
  • Teaching, training, or mentoring new members of the archival profession.

Additional Information

  • The nominee does not have to be a member of The Society of North Carolina Archivists
  • The nominee must have at least 5 years of service in the archival profession.
  • The nominee may not be a member of the current SNCA Executive Board or Development Committee.
  • Nominations should include specific examples of ways in which the nominee meets the criteria outlined above.

The recipient of the Thornton W. Mitchell Service Award will be determined by the Society's Development Committee and announced at the Society's Spring meeting in conjunction with the Gene J. Williams Award.


The nomination form can be accessed HERE.

The deadline for nominations is April 4, 2025.

Nominations may be emailed or mailed to the addresses below: 


Shaunta Alvarez, SNCA Development Chair -


Shaunta Alvarez, SNCA Development Chair

Elon University

100 Campus Drive

2550 Campus Box

Elon, NC 27244

For more information, please contact the SNCA Development Chair at the above email address.

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